Unity Visual Studio

What this extension is

This is an unofficial extension created by Tobiah Zarlez, and is not affiliated in any way with Unity Technologies.

The goal of this extension is to add miscellaneous functionality to Visual Studio Code for Unity developers.

Guitar pro 7 for mac. This extension also acts as an extension package for another Unity related VSCode extension. Specifically, 'Unity.unity-debug'

Unity Visual Studio

What this extension isn't

This is not a comprehensive set of tools for Unity development, nor does it provide any debugging features.

  • Aug 24, 2020 Unity recognizes that Visual Studio Code is my External Script Editor, but intellisense in Vis Studio Code still does not recognize or provide autocomplete for Unity namespace items. Edit: After a bit of searching I found the solution!
  • Visual Studio brings a premium debugging experience to the Unity game engine. Identify issues quickly by debugging your Unity games in Visual Studio— Set.

Turns out it was an issue with my existing install of Visual Studio Tools for Unity (VSTU). I found a thread where users had experienced similar problems due to an unsupported version of VSTU running on Unity5.2 and beyond. Unity 5.2+ requires VSTU 2.1 or later for VS to work correctly with Unity, more information.

If you want to debug your Unity projects, I would recommend getting Unity's official debugger for Visual Studio Code.

Can you add XZY feature?

Possibly! Let me know, I'd love to hear your suggestions on what tools you'd like to see added to this collection. Football manager 2011 for mac.

How to install

You can install this extension directly from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P) and copy/paste the following command:

ext install unity-tools

Feature list


Command: Open Documentation for Selection

Use the pallet command 'Unity Tools: Open Documentation for Selection' (Cmd+' on OSX or Ctrl+' Avi for dvd mac. on Windows and Linux) to open the Unity Documentation for the currently selected class.

Command: Search Documentation

Use the pallet command 'Unity Tools: Search Documentation' (Shortcut: Cmd+Shift+' on OSX or Ctrl+Shift+' on Windows and Linux) where you can quickly enter whatever you want to search for.

Command: Search MSFT Documentation

Unity visual studio 2019

Use the pallet command 'Unity Tools: Search MSFT Documentation' where you can enter whatever you want to search the MSFT documentation for.

Command: Open VSCode Documentation

Added the pallet command 'Unity Tools: Open VSCode Documentation' to open the Unity Development with VS Code page on the Visual Studio Code Documentation.

Command: Generate Organizational Folders

Added the pallet command 'Unity Tools: Generate Organizational Folders' to create some default organizational folders to your project's Assets Folder. The list of default folders are below:

  • Scenes
  • Scripts
  • Prefabs
  • Materials
  • Audio


The Unity-Tools command Generate Organizational Folders can be configured to create a set of folders of your choosing, instead of the 5 default ones: Scenes, Scripts, Prefabs, Materials, and Audio.To do this simply open or create ./.vscode/settings.json and fill in the below fields.

You can also set which Unity version should be used when accessing online documentation. Make sure the version number you enter is valid for Unity's documentation.

You can also enable/disable the 'Open Documentation' option in right-click menu by the below setting. Default value is true.

If you rather search local documentation rather than online, set a value to unity-tools.localDocumentationPath.

NOTE: unity-tools.localDocumentationPath should NOT include a trailing slash /, file:/// nor any filename like index.html or 30_search.html

Due to the nature of queries in local file paths (at least on Windows, I have not tested on Mac/Linux), you are also required to set a default browser with unity-tools.localDocumentationViewer. For example, firefox, iexplore, or chrome. You can also set the exact path, if your browser doesn't have a command. Example: C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe

If you do not set localDocumentationViewer, localDocumentationPath will not work. This may or may not be true on Mac or Linux, I have not had the opportunity to test it! If you have, please let me know.

C# - Visual Studio, How to change the color of classes ..Unity Visual Studio

Other resources

Here are some other resources I recommend:


By default, Unity only generates Visual Studio projects (.csproj) for assemblies in Assets/ folder, including predifined assemblies (Assembly-CSharp, Assembly-CSharp-Editor) and those formed with assembly definitions (*.asmdef), but not for assemblies in imported packages. This causes some inconvenience when we want to trace code with Visual Studio.


  • Unity 2019.3.0f6 (with less options)
  • Unity 2019.3.12f1 (with more options)


1. Open editor preferences (Edit / Preferences..)

2. Select tab External Tools and enable .csproj files for packages

In Unity 2019.3.0f6, there is only one option to generate all project files.

While in Unity 2019.3.12f1, we can choose which kinds of packages we want Unity generate for.

I can’t tell which version improved the options from changelog though.

If I check Registry packages and click Regenerate project files:

Then I can see the projects from registry packages are generated.

Personally I recommend generating project files for local packages only, which makes it easier to develop my own packages.

Unity Visual Studio Not Autocompleting
