Hematology Calculators


Hematology calculators. Blood Volume Calculation. Cryoprecipitate Dosing for Fibrinogen Replacement. Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (DLI) Volume. Mentzer Index for. The Multiple Primaries Calculator was designed to be used with the coding manual. Follow the rules and workflow in the manual prior to using the calculator. Use the Multiple Primaries Calculator when the rules instruct you to do so. If you are working with cases diagnosed before 2010 use the ICD-O-3 Hematopoietic Primaries Table (PDF) instead. Special Hematology and Coagulation Test Menu. View the Test Menu. The Special Hematology and Coagulation Laboratory provides accurate and reliable test results by automated and manual methods for the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of hematological disorders, including various anemias, hemoglobinopathies, leukemia, and disorders of hemostasis and thrombosis.

Table of contents:
IndicesHematology Calculators

The absolute eosinophil count calculator uses white blood cell count and eosinophil percentage to estimate the total number of the acidophilic cells in one's blood.

Hematology calculators contain 5 calculators related to Hematology. These calculators are: 1. Absolute Neutrophil Count Used for neutropenia assessment 2. DIC Score Disseminated Intravascular. Storejet 500 for mac.

You might be interested in our other calculators regarding the white blood cells:

What are eosinophils?

They are white blood cells specialized in fighting parasites and certain diseases.They are also mediators of allergic responses and are associated with bronchial asthma development - they are used as markers of severity of the disease.

The name eosinophil or acidophil relates to the fact that this particular group is acid-loving: they show their affinity for acids by turning bright red after staining with eosin, an acidic red dye used in the standard procedure of microscope probe preparation.

What is a normal range of total eosinophil count?

The normal total eosinophil count range is 0.04 - 0.45 ×10³ cells/μL.

  • The state of eosinophil count elevation over 0.45 ×10³ cells/μL is called eosinophilia and is linked to allergic reactions and parasitic infections.
  • Hypereosinophilia is a state of elevation over 1.5 ×10³ cells/μL and can be due to the growth of mutant eosinophil cells or severe parasitosis or allergic reactions.
  • A total eosinophil count lower than 0.04 , called eosinopenia, can be associated with acute infections, burns, stress reactions, Cushing's syndrome, and use of large doses of steroids.

Hematology Indices Calculations

What formula does the absolute eosinophil count calculator use?

To estimate the total eosinophil count (AEC), you first need to do a complete blood count (CBC). The values of white blood cell (WBC) count and eosinophil percentage (EOS%) are going to be used in this equation:

Hematology Indices


Hematology Differential Practice

Tuxera ntfs for mac 2015. The calculated absolute eosinophil count is expressed in thousands of cells per microlitre (10³ cells/μL).