Crossover For Work Reddit

Im too tired to finish the whole drawing so blank background for now. I always love the idea of Lara and Elena working together than Lara and Nathan. I think they can work better together tomb raider uncharted lara croft elena fisher nathan drake crossover fanart fan project comics playstation xbox. Crossover offers end-to-end business solutions focused on remote team management—a business model employed and advocated for by the company itself. Its mission is to reformulate the way people work, which should not be determined by geography, but by talent and aptitude. In doing so, Crossover aims to alter society in positive and profound ways. Click on the link icon next to the subreddit's name to go directly to the subreddit. You might also like to check out some network visualisations of subreddit relationships, or analyse user/commenter overlaps between subreddits, or track keyword frequencies over time in reddit comments.

A few days ago I saw an add on Linkedin from a company called 'Crossover' offering a job for 80K per year working 100% from home. Such an offer reeked of scam, so I decided to do a little investigative journalism about it.

Crossover portrays itself as a 'global' talent provider. In reality, once you look at some of the reviews people have published on Quora about the company, it feels more like an outsourcing company that hires people from third world countries for jobs in the United States.

Crossover for work reviews

I find two fundamental problems with this:

1. Some people on Quora have complained the pay rates offered by Crossover for programmers are actually far below the market rates in the United States. They may seem like 'competitive' rates in Pakistan, but the United States is NOT Pakistan.

2. By offering jobs with lower middle class wages just because they are a 'global' company, not only they are lowering the standards of the middle class in America, but they are also taking American jobs overseas. Exactly the same problem that has been crippling the American economy for years.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Because it turns out if you actually lower yourself to Crossover's salary standars, you have to agree to their draconian methods of keeping tabs on you.

Yes; if you accept a job from Crossover, you will be required to install a spyware program from Crossover that will monitor you by using your webcam to take a picture of you at random every 10 minutes on average. This is supposedly so they can confirm you are working the hours you're supposed to be working. Ah, because they only offer hourly wages with no overtime. Do a search for Crossover on Quora and you will find some horror stories about this draconian method of spying on workers, including not getting paid because the photo from the webcam was too dark, or because you went to the bathroom and forgot to turn off the spyware program from Crossover. The NSA would be proud of such invasive violation of your privacy.

Crossover For Work Reddit

Oh, because that's the other thing; If you work for Crossover you will be using your own computer, your own internet connection, and your own work space. In other words, YOU are the one who is providing and paying for the infrastructure for Crossover for a salary that's not even on par with American market standards to begin with.

And they have the nerve to spy on you using YOUR computer and YOUR internet connection while you work in YOUR home.

Even Edward Snowdem would probably freak out with that level of violation to your privacy in your home through your computer.

So after doing some research on Crossover I decided to play their game and actually apply for a job with them. They were asking for a Social Media Content expert. Of course, being a social media expert for years, and having the portfolio and the skills to prove it, I answered their ad on Linkedin. The ad sent me to a Crossover website where they 'tested' me by asking me five questions about social media and advertising. Naturally, I passed with flying colors, because a few days later they sent me an email telling me somebody from Crossover would call me to continue the application process.

That somebody was a certain Natasha Haynes who first tried to call me at 8:46 PM on a Monday night. I knew she was calling but I did not pick up the phone just to see if they Crossover was serious about getting in touch with me. Since I didn't pick up the phone, Natasha sent me an email asking me for a better time to call. I responded her email telling her to call me on Tuesday between 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM, and to call me to a different number. She called at 2:57 PM. And I didn't answer because I wanted to see if they were willing to play my little game. So she sents me another email telling me if there's another time when she can call me. I responded telling her to call me between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

This time she called at 5:11 PM but for some reason my phone didn't ring. So I sent her an email asking her for a number I could call her at. This is her answer verbatim:

Crossover For Work Reddit Videos

'No it's not possible for you to call me, I would need to call you. When can you be available.'

At that point I was already suspicious. What kind of company does not allow an employee to call them?

Finally, a few minutes later, Natasha called again and I did pick up the phone, as I was really curious about what exactly was this about.

Here I make a parenthesis to mention the following: The two times Natasha Haynes left a message on my voicemail she sounded either way too serious or downright pissed. I've worked with multinational corporations, political parties and governments in the past and NOT ONE has ever had the sour attitude this person had. My guess is she had that attitude because she knew she was being spied by Crossover and she could not afford to seem anything but way too serious. I mention this because of the conversation we finally had.

Turns out Ms. Haynes once again had this prison guard attitude. Which I did not like one bit. She asked me stuff like where did I find out about the Crossover job offer. I told her on Linkedin. Then she asked if I agreed to 40 dollars an hour. My experience and level of knowledge is a lot more valuable than that, so I told her I was expecting more. Her answer, and with a tone that was almost almost like a scolding, was 'we are a global company and this is a very competitive wage.'

I thought 'they are out of their mind if they think I'm going to fall for that crap.'

So she insisted on asking if I agreed to that wage or not. I said 'sure' just to see where this went. Then she said they were paying me like an independent contractor, without deducting anything for taxes and if I agreed with that. I said sure. In other words, no payrol taxes and no healthcare. That's a lot of money they don't have to pay Uncle Sam I suppose.

And here is where things got funny.

Natasha goes on to mention the their spyware and she tried to explain to me what is it. I interrupted her and told her this:

'I know what that is. Is that the reason why you have that serious tone? Because they are spying on you? Look I took your call just to humor myself. But I don't like being spied on. So if you really want to make me a job offer, then make me an offer. But I'm not going to agree to your spying on me.'

At this point Natasha sounded like she didn't know what to do. I may have heard wrong, but I thought she actually stammered because she wasn't expecting my answer. In the end, and while I was telling her to tell her boss, Andy Tryba, not to use the Obama administration as a reference, she finally said 'have a good day' and then she hung up. I could be wrong, but I think her voice actually sounded nervous.

Who is Andy Tryba, you say? He's the CEO of Crossover. The Obama thing I said on the phone is because one of the things he mentions prominently on his Linkedin profile is that he worked for the White House on -get this- employment issues!

So this guy has a company that essentially outsources cheap labor from third world countries, which lowers the income standards for the middle class in the United States and eliminates potential jobs in the United States, and he embelishes his Linkedin profile saying he worked for the Obama administration on issues regarding labor.

Crossover For Work Reddit

Wow. What a jerk. Obama should really tell people he has nothing to do with him.

My suggestion to those who, like me, find Crossover to be the lowest of the low, is to inform the Republican or the Democrat campaigns about what Crossover does. I'm pretty sure they are not going to like it. Because if Crossover is the future of labor in America, the middle class is going to be in serious problems, with lower wages and worse working conditions.

But hey, if you like to live like in a third world country, by all means make Crossover rich and let them use your computer and your internet connection to spy on you. I'm sure Kim Jong-Un would be proud.

PS: Here's verbatim the email Natasha sent me after she hung up on me:

'Thank you for your time. I have closed out your application since you are not agreeable to the terms.'

And here is the email Crossover sent me immediately after. Note the text in bold:

Dear Victor,
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Content Writer - Marketing Specialist - $80k position at Crossover.
The application process has been extremely competitive, and we greatly appreciate your contribution to that competition. After carefully considering your application, we are sorry to inform you that your qualifications did not quite match our needs for this particular position.
Although we are unable to continue with your application, we want to thank your for your interest in Crossover and for the valuable time and effort you have invested in this process.
We wish you the best in your professional endeavors!

Crossover For Work Reddit Video

The Crossover Team

Of course that's grade A, 100% organic, pasture fed bovine excreta. Their employee Natasha just told me they closed the application because I did not agree to their terms. If my qualifications didn't match, why did they pester me for two days to try to get me on the phone?

Oh, one last thing: None of the companies Crossover says they work with them are well established companies. And in some cases, according to some accounts in Quora, they are part of the same company that owns Crossover.

PS2: Read the dystopic cyberpunk novel Ready Player One. There's one chapter in which the main character has to work for a company that has cameras on the employees all of the time on site. When I read it I thought that as a satire of corporate culture. Well, Crossover is making it a reality... at the home of the employees. Nobody in America should allow that to happen.